Landstar announced today on the Safety Thursday Conference Call an extraordinary measure to support the Landstar owner-operators who are on the front lines hauling freight during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. During this crisis, Landstar has temporarily authorized monies for any Landstar business capacity owner (BCO) who is diagnosed with COVID-19 and/or is required to be quarantined by a public health authority.

If a Landstar BCO tests positive for COVID-19 or is under a mandatory quarantine, he or she will be provided $1,000 per week, for up to two weeks, which is generally the period of time needed to recover from the virus.

We hope our BCOs stay healthy and never need to take advantage of this relief effort. We all must also recognize though the possibility that a Landstar BCO may be diagnosed with COVID-19 or ordered to stay home because of a mandatory quarantine. The intent of this new program is to make it easier for a BCO to stay home and take care of his or her health with less worry about paying bills during this unpredictable time.

Any BCO who is diagnosed with COVID-19 or is placed under a mandatory quarantine by a public health authority is asked to please email and we will confidentially work with you to obtain financial relief.

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