<h2>When choosing a transportation company, technology matters – but so do the people behind the tech</h2>
<p>When managing freight transportation, the use of technology -- a transportation management system or shipment visibility mobile app -- is a great way to save time and increase efficiencies for everyone involved in a shipment. However, shippers should use caution in placing too much reliance on technology alone in managing a dynamic supply chain, putting themselves at risk in instances when a shipment doesn’t go according to plan.</p>
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<p>The balance of technology and relationships was one of the topics covered during a live session at <a rel="noopener" href="https://1.reutersevents.com/LP=31813?extsource=website" target="_blank" data-anchor="?extsource=website">Reuters Events: Supply Chain Execution 2022</a>, featuring Landstar Vice President and Chief Safety &amp; Operations Officer Joe Beacom and Landstar Independent Agent Brandon Coburn.</p>
<p>During the session, Beacom noted that to <a rel="noopener" href="/blog/helping-customers-build-a-flexible-supply-chain/" target="_blank" title="Helping Customers Build a Flexible Supply Chain">maintain a flexible supply chain</a>, customers benefit from having solid relationships with freight agents who have access to the <a rel="noopener" href="https://www.landstar.com/why-landstar/tools-technology/" target="_blank" title="Tools &amp; Technology">technology and tools</a> that provide planning and pricing information, and freight visibility.</p>
<blockquote class="pullquote"> “It ultimately boils down to trust. If you trust your providers and you trust your customers, you're going to have open dialogue.” Coburn said in an interview after the session.</blockquote>
<p>Coburn elaborated that it’s the information from the technology provided by Landstar that enables him to have open dialogue with customers and provide information to them quickly.</p>
<p>“An open exchange of ideas and information allows the customer to position themselves as experts within their own company, in a field they may not be familiar with. Empowering the customer with that type of information opens up a new level of trust, flexibility and collaboration that makes everything work better.”</p>
<p>Beacom reinforced the idea that technology should not replace the relationship between freight agent and customer. “I think technology has done a lot for us in the last several years, as we’ve developed different ways to share information.” Beacom said. The intent of developing technology isn’t to make shipping a DIY task for the customer, but instead, to help the customer move their products more efficiently.</p>
<blockquote class="pullquote">Beacom continues, “The key to success is really sharing information, making sure that we get the right information to the right people to make the best decisions they can.”</blockquote>
<h4>Click to see more from Reuters Events: Supply Chain Execution 2022 </h4>
<h4><strong>Reuter's full interview with Landstar Independent Agent Brandon Coburn</strong></h4>
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<h4><strong>Reuter's full interview with Landstar Vice President and Chief Safety &amp; Operations Officer Joe Beacom</strong></h4>
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