Four Landstar independent business capacity owners (BCOs) were named as the winners of the National Safety Council (NSC) 2019 Joseph M. Kaplan Safe Driver of the Year Award.

The following BCOs, who are all Million Mile Safe Drivers and Roadstar® recipients, were recognized during the National Safety Council Congress & Expo as the safest drivers in their respective regions.

  • John Babine, New England
  • David Long, Canadian
  • Lori Nelson, Mountain
  • Steven Van Dyke, West North Central

Nominated by the Landstar safety department, the four independent owner-operators were selected for the honor based on their status as Million Mile Safe Drivers and Roadstar® BCOs. 2019 marks the highest number of Landstar owner-operators to receive the annual Safety Council awards in the same year.

Also honored at the 2019 NSC Congress & Expo was Landstar Transportation Logistics Orientation Coordinator Christin Harbison who received the 2019 NSC Instructor of the Year Award. Harbison teaches the NSC Defensive Driving Course to independent Landstar owner-operators at the Landstar orientation center in St. Augustine, Florida.

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