After Hurricanes Harvey and Irma hit the U.S., the urgent need for help was evident and members of the Landstar family stepped up to support those impacted. Business capacity owners (BCOs), agents and employees offered their assistance by making donations to the BCO Benevolence Fund. In just three weeks, their efforts paid off, with $2,879 in contributions. After the final tally, Landstar matched the donations, making the overall contribution for the month of September a grand total of $5,758.
Since the Landstar BCO Benevolence Fund was created in 2005, it has provided financial assistance to hundreds of BCOs in hardship situations. The fund was established to distribute financial assistance to qualified BCOs who do not have the assets to meet their existing financial obligations and/or immediate basic living expenses for their families.
Landstar BCOs and truck operators employed by Landstar BCOs, and their immediate family members, are eligible to receive assistance from the fund. Contributions to the Benevolence Fund are collected throughout the year at Landstar’s various annual events, such as Landstar BCO Appreciation Days.
To find out if you qualify, to apply or to assist with Landstar’s Benevolence Fund email or call 800-872-9541.
The BCO Benevolence Fund Inc., is a nonprofit corporation and is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as an organization exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the International Revenue Code. Contributions to the fund are tax deductible. The BCO Benevolence Fund Inc., was founded by Landstar System, Inc. and its affiliated companies (“Landstar”). The fund is a public charity that is separate and independent from Landstar. This announcement is made by and on behalf of Landstar and should not be considered as a solicitation for charitable contributions or on behalf of the BCO Benevolence Fund, Inc.
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